the woods are lovely, dark and deep...

but i have promises to keep. and miles to go before i sleep...


RULE #1 :// OUT OF CHARACTERmy name is lyns, i'm twenty-nine years old, and i'm in the central standard timezone. i've been roleplaying on and off for an embarrassingly long amount of time, since before tumblr was the place to do it. i do work but i have a lot of flexibility with my job, so my schedule can be somewhat inconsistent. please be mindful of this and patient with me! other places you can find me on tumblr are here.RULE #2 :// ROLEPLAY ETTIQUETTEplease refrain from godmodding if we haven't discussed it out of character. minor things like assuming my character has entered a room (within reason) are fine, but do not speak for my muse's mental state or physical actions, unless i have given permission to do so to move the thread along. i'm not unreasonable; i know the back and forth of getting to a moment or point in a thread can be hindered by trying to avoid godmodding in an extreme; just talk to me out of character if you're concerned!
i prefer to plot out interactions, if that's something my partner likes to do. alternatively, i'm more than happy to answer prompts and have those turned into threads! if i answer a prompt in a way that you feel doesn't fully fit or doesn't feel like something that can be continued, feel free to approach me to plot something, or even write something new entirely! i'm more than happy to do either!
RULE #3 :// TRIGGERSmost of my nancy's story will deal in heavy content, so triggering content will appear throughout my blogs. some of the biggest will be violence, mental health topics, parental death, emotional abuse, and blood/gore any triggering content will be tagged with this format: #tw trigger.

RULE #4 :// SHIPPING & NSFWi am very particular about shipping; i prefer a good amount of ooc interactions and i like to discuss the ship thorough so i can be sure we share the same values for the muses in the ship. a ship being canon does not automatically mean i will ship with you. i am also not comfortable writing smut or sexual scenarios. it's a hard no, and any feelings of being pressured to do so will result in blocking. the same can be said for force-shipping.RULE #5 :// DEALBREAKERSi tend to abide by pretty strict standards for my dash and interactions; no godmodding, no sending hate, no racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. i have a personally preference to reblog from sources rather than straight from the dash, but i don't care much whether others do it — that being said, if you are consistently reblogging muse inspo that i post for the same character or a specific character, with zero out of character interactions, that will end in me softblocking. i prefer not to feel that i'm being used for resources rather than roleplaying. i don't enjoy drama on my dash, but i don't mind valid callout posts (such as for any of the hateful terminology listed above). on a similar note, i will begin softblocking when i see an excess of them from one source. we're all adults and we should be dealing with our problems in healthier ways by now.RULE #6 :// DISCLAIMERSi do not claim to own jackie (other than perhaps in jest) or any of the characters from any iteration of the series. while i take liberties with her story, i did not create her or the events of the show and own nothing but my own divergences. all graphics on this blog were made by me, using my own psd.


jacqueline elise taylor
jackie, queen bitch
november eighteenth,
nineteen seventy-nine.
cis female.
wiskayok, nj.
english, some french.
athleticisms; jackie is lean but muscular, and fast on her feet.
great empathy and kindness. a strong sense of leadership.
severe PTSD due to events of the wilderness. she spends years in therapy before dropping off, though she stays on depressants most of her life.

god save the prom queen

no one is why does it have to be beautiful?

teens: ella purnell.
20-30s: rebecca gayheart.
30+: marion cotillard.
light brown, almost always with blonde highlights.
five feet, two inches.
large, wide eyes. upturned nose.
a preference toward lighter colors; collared shirts, denim shorts and skirts. mini dresses. denim jackets. hoop earrings.
a rough scar along the left thigh from a soccer accident. a jagged scar along her palm from climbing a tree in the wilderness.
considered healthy most of her life, though spends a few years regaining that after the wilderness due to malnutrition.


EARLY LIFE (BIRTH - SEVENTEEN):jacqueline elise taylor, born in the middle of november, was a miracle baby. her parents had spent years trying to conceive and finding out that jackie was coming into the world seemed to be an incredible blessing.this narrative followed jackie her whole adolescence; the picture perfect baby, ideal toddler, bright child... there was not an area of life where she was less than perfect in her superiors' eyes. she had perfect grades, was friendly and social, took quickly to soccer and made it almost a personality trait. there was no surprise when she made captain in her junior year. she was popular amongst her peers (for the most part), with the picture-perfect boyfriend and the solid GPA, adored by her teachers and coaches. she was considered the right amount of confident, leadership material to be exact, thought to bring those around her up with her.and if there was anyone who didn't like her? well, jackie just chalked that up to jealousy.there was no doubt in her families mind she would be going to the best college, especially after leading her team to victory that would take them all the way to nationals; a bright gold star to add to her already perfect record.that was until the plane crashed down.

THE WILDERNESS (NINTEEN MONTHS):jackie's leadership capability was tested thorough from the moment the plane dropped, and her skill was found... lacking. despite the belief in her that her superiors had once shown, her peers had little patience for her when it came time to put in the work of surviving. while the others learned to scavenge, to hunt, to prepare their shelter, jackie was quick to realize that her skills in the world had very little practical usage — as was not so kindly pointed out to top it off, the discovery that her best friend in the world had betrayed her with her boyfriend left jackie with a feeling of being utterly adrift and completely alone. suddenly, survival didn't seem so important. what was the point, when no one around her seemed to truly like her and the one person she cared for had stabbed her in the back?everything changed when she was given the opportunity to give up, however; thrust into the cold by her friends and her own stubbornness, the falling temperature put her to the test in a brand new way. suddenly, it was truly life or death, and there would be no one to save her from her own lack of initiative.(SEE HEADCANONS FOR MORE INFORMATION)

COLLEGE & CAREER:she's free from the confines of the wilderness (but are any of them ever truly free) and she knows that life has to go on... so it does. finding out she was accepted into her dream college — and a slew of others she hadn't even applied to thanks to her newfound fame — and jackie dives right in.she starts without much idea of where she wants to be in life, taking classes she needs and desires just to fill her time. the busier her schedule, the less time she has to think about where she was just a year, two years, three years prior. eventually, when she feels strong again, she joins her school soccer team; not the captain, no one important, just doing what comes natural. by the last of her initial four years, she takes to modeling to make her own money, hoping to not need so much from her parents.a minor interest in law and criminology turns into an application to a nearby law school and before jackie knows it, she's taking classes and she's studying for the bar. it isn't a dream or a passion, but it does offer a high salary if she's good at it, and despite what she's been through, there are still very few things that jackie isn't good at.when it comes to relationships, she dates. casually, for fun, with no serious intentions. men become like toys; distracting, interesting for a time, but ultimately disposable. and, despite their rough history, she spends more time with shauna than anyone else from her former life or her current. after all, who could possibly understand her better?BEYOND (26+):tba



mains & exclusives




CANON VERSE.a main verse following the events of the show. everything is the same; they crash, they try to survive, and jackie still dies. any threads in this verse will only be set before jackie's death.

GHOST VERSE.everything is the same except jackie haunts the core group forever... but especially shauna.her death, at the hands of the wilderness, keeps her soul from passing on, and attaches itself to those left behind; the one it chose to tell its tale, the ones most affected by its presence, but also the one jackie chooses.

SURVIVAL VERSE.a verse exploring what would have happened if jackie had survived her night in exile; wandering the woods, discovering javi's hiding place and bunking down with him for a while. she turns up again when he does, surprising the rest of the group, and she's changed just enough to finally, really survive.

MODERN VERSE.a verse set in modern day; jackie is a millennial soccer star during high school, a model throughout college, before getting into law school and working her way up to joining a good law firm in new jersey.

BTVS VERSE.idk much yet butvampire!jackie hot